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Founded in 2015
 Revised July 2022

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    A. President:

        1.  The President shall reside at all Board of Governors and Executive Committee meetings.

        2.  The President shall decide all questions or order, appoint all committees, unless otherwise ordered and be an ex officio member of all committees.

        3.  Be responsible for ensuring the maintenance of the corporate papers for the Association.

        4.  Unless excused by the No Vote Proviso, he/she may only vote to break a tie.


    B.  Vice President:

        1.  The Vice President shall assist the President in maintaining the efficiency of the operation.

        2.  In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties normally performed by the President.

        3.  Be responsible for ensuring that all league playing dartboards be certified a minimum once per year and/or as needed according to DDA standards.


    C. Secretary:

        1.  The Secretary shall be responsible for scheduling all meetings.

        2.  Record the minutes of all BOG and Executive Committee Meetings.

        3.  Notify parties of their election to the Executive Committee.

        4.  Issue notices and results of all Board of Governors meetings and elections.

        5.  Conduct the correspondence between the board members.

        6.  Perform other duties as from time to time be imposed on the office.

        7.  The Secretary will be deemed the State Registered agent of the DDA.

        8.  Be responsible for filing the annual report to the State.

        9.  Be responsible for filing the updated registered agent papers to the State.


    E.  Treasurer:

        1. The Treasurer will be listed on the bank account with the President's name.

            a.  There will be NO DEBIT CARD.

            b.  There will only be one (1) bank account with frozen funds separated for accountability.

            c.  All checks issued by DDA will be required to have two (2) signatures. One signature being that of the Treasurer and the other being that of the President.

        2.  The Treasurer shall receive and maintain custody ofDDA funds and shall promptly deposit all monies received.

        3.  The Treasurer shall keep separate records of all funds to be used by the PR Director and the ADO Rep to be turned over as needed for special events and/or tournaments.

        4.  The Treasurer shall be responsible for collection of dues and fees.

        5.  The Treasurer shall receive ALL dart cards prior to sale for accounting purposes.

        6.  The Treasurer shall receive ALL monies from sale of dart cards to ensure accountability.

        7.  Be required to submit a Treasurer's report at all scheduled Executive Committee & BOG meetings concerning all DDA financial activity, in its entirety.

        8.  Be required to file appropriate tax forms to the IRS annually.

            a.  Federal Tax form Ecard 990 for income under $25,000.

            b.  Federal Tax form 990 for income over $25,000.

        9.  Be required to tum updated membership list over to the Secretary on a monthly basis for record keeping purposes.


    F. Public Relations Director (herein after "PR":

        1.The PR Director shall in concert with the Executive Committee and/or Board of Governors, will plan, initiate, direct and coordinate all advertising, promotional and membership campaigns, etc. of and for the DDA.

        2.  Be responsible for securing sponsors for TV, radio, newspaper and magazine coverage of DDA sponsored events.

        3.  Be responsible for the charity fund raising via running the fun board at DDA sponsored events.

        4.  Be required to maintain a journal of funds and present a report to the Treasurer a week before any scheduled BOG meeting.

            a.  The Treasurer shall notify the PR Director of the funds available to them for use in obtaining items for charity events such as items for the fun board & food if required.

            b.  The PR Director shall be provided with a journal each year in order to keep up with funds used & collected.

        5.  The current PR Director will distribute funds raised for the DDA charities at the July BOG meeting.

            a.  In the event the current PR Director is not available, then the President shall present the funds to the DDA charities at the July BOG meeting.

        6.  The PR Director shall create ideas for fundraisers throughout the year in order to raise monies for the DDA charities.


    G.  ADO Representative (herein after "ADO Rep"):

        1.  The ADO Rep will oversee all ADO sanctioned DDA directives where applicable and relate information received from ADO to the Board of Governors and Executive Committee.

        2.  The ADO Rep will certify members to any ADO competition. The ADO Rep is the liaison between the DDA and the ADO and will ensure that the DDA ADO membership dues are paid each year by the Treasurer.

        3.  The ADO Rep will be required to maintain a journal of funds & present a report to the Treasurer a week before any scheduled BOG meeting.

        4.  The ADO Rep shall be provided with a journal each year in order to keep up with funds collected and distributed.


    H.  Investigators:

        1.  The Investigators will initiate, plan, coordinate and co-direct major functions assigned by the President.

        2.  The Investigators will be responsible for recruiting volunteers in the respective areas.

        3.  The Investigators will act as liaison between the Executive Committee and the General Membership.


    I.  Parliamentarian:

        1.  The Parliamentarian will be responsible for knowing the Bylaws and ensuring that they are followed.

        2.  The Parliamentarian will keep notes of any proposed changes to the Bylaws to ensure that all changes are submitted to the President to present to the Board of Governors at the next
meeting to be voted on.


    J.  All Executive Committee members shall work with the PR Director throughout their term in office in an attempt to raise money for DDA charities.

    K.  No Executive Committee member shall take it upon themselves to do a job without first checking with whoever is responsible to make sure that it has not been done and is okay for them to do.


    L.  At the expiration of the term of any Executive Committee Member's office, all pertinent property, books, papers, correspondence and work in progress belonging to the DDA will be turned over to the successor.

        1.  If the office term is expired through an election of another member, the DDA property will be turned over on January 1st.

        2.  If the office term is expired through any other means, DDA property will be turned over immediately.

        3.  A committee formed will make their findings or suggestions known to the BOG for final decision by vote.